Supplementary Planning Documents


Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are prepared by the Council to support the Local Plan, to inform the delivery of infrastructure and to aid applicants in preparing successful development proposals.  Following public consultation and adoption by the Council, SPDs become a material consideration in determining planning applications. In the first section below are any emerging Supplementary Planning Documents being prepared by the Council. In the second section below is a full set of adopted Supplementary Planning Documents.

Draft Supplementary Planning Documents

There are no draft SPDs currently being prepared by East Cambridgeshire District Council.

Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents 

The following SPDs have been adopted by East Cambridgeshire District Council and are a material consideration in determining planning applications. 

Bell Road, Bottisham Masterplan Interim Policy GuidanceThe Masterplan provides guidance on the development of the land off Bell Road, Bottisham site identified in the Council's Local Plan.  This document is not a formal SPD, but used as an evidence base to help inform applicants and decision takers.
Contaminated LandThe SPD provides guidance on submitting planning applications for the development of land that may be contaminated:
County Wildlife SitesThis SPD was produced to provide an updated register of County Wildlife Sites for the purpose of informing the planning process:
Developer ContributionsThe Council collects uses developer contributions to fund necessary infrastructure to support new development.  The SPD explains the circumstances in which developers will be required to make contributions:
Design GuideThe Design Guide SPD sets out principles and requirements to ensure new development delivers good design:
North Ely SPDSets out special planning requirements for the development of a new community at North Ely.
Renewable Energy (Commercial Scale) SPD

The Renewable Energy (Commercial Scale) SPD provides guidance on the District Council's approach to larger 'standalone' renewable energy schemes which are of a commercial scale.

The Renewable Energy Commercial Scale SPD together with the adoption statement and consultation statement are available to view:

Shop Fronts Design GuideThe SPD provides guidance on undertaking works to, or development of, shop fronts:
Conservation Area Appraisal Supplementary Planning DocumentsThe Council has prepared a number of Conservation Area Appraisals.  These appraisals have been adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents to support the Council in preserving and enhancing the distinctive and special characteristics of the area's conservation areas:
Community-Led Development SPD

The SPD sets out East Cambridgeshire District Council’s approach to community-led development proposals. It is aimed at local communities, Parish Councils and landowners, and seeks to provide people with a better understanding of how planning applications for community-led development proposals may be assessed by the Council.

The Community-Led Development SPD together with the adoption statement and consultation statement are available to view:

Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

East Cambridgeshire District Council adopted the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 16 November 2016. The Flood and Water SPD was prepared by Cambridgeshire County Council in partnership with Cambridge, East Cambridgeshire, Fenland, Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire District/City Councils, the Environment Agency, Anglian Water, and the Internal Drainage Boards.

The SPD provides guidance for developers and applicants on managing flood risk and the water environment in and around new developments. The contents of the SPD expand upon the flood risk and water management policies contained within the adopted and emerging Local Plans.

Custom and Self- Build Housing SPD


This SPD provides guidance to large scale developers who are obliged to meet the Local Plan policy to provide self-build plots in a development consisting of 100 dwellings or more. The SPD also provides useful advice for individuals, groups or Community Land Trusts (or similar) that may be interested in providing and developing self-build plots.  Parishes that are interested in including self-build plots in their Neighbourhood Plans may also find this SPD useful.  

Natural Environment SPD


This SPD sets out the Council's approach to the natural environment and provides advice on policy requirements relating to issues such as: 'net gain' in biodiversity through development proposals, protection of existing nature sites, protection and provision of trees, and supporting the Council's position in relation to the recently adopted Local Nature Partnership vision to 'double land for nature' by 2050 across Cambridgeshire. 

Climate Change SPD

This SPD is in response to the Council's declaration of a Climate Emergency (adopted June 2020) and builds upon the ‘Environment and Climate Change’ section of the Local Plan (April 2015). It also responds to the National Planning Policy and guidance. 

Hedgehog Recovery Design Guidance SPD

The primary purpose of this SPD is to help make sure new development in East Cambridgeshire protects and enhances habitats for hedgehogs, with the particular aim of creating new development which supports the recovery of hedgehog numbers in East Cambridgeshire.

The SPD requires developers to set out a scheme of hedgehog recovery proposals as part of the design proposals for their development. For example, the developer is expected to consider, and provide if appropriate, measures such as hedgehog holes, suitable boundary treatment and other measures which create habitats suitable for hedgehogs to live and roam freely. 

The draft document was consulted upon in May 2024. The SPD was approved for adoption on 26 September 2024, and brought into effect from 9 October 2024.