
In the UK, allotments are small parcels of land rented to individuals usually for the purpose of growing food crops. There is no set standard size but the most common plot is 10 rods, an ancient measurement equivalent to 302 square yards or 253 square metres.

In 2008 The Guardian reported that 330,000 people held an allotment, whilst 100,000 were on waiting lists.

Most people apply for an allotment through their Parish or District Council. There is no current district wide approach to allotment allocation or development other than where indicated by local plans. If you are interested in renting an allotment, please contact your local Parish Council

More information on allotments is available on the following websites:

Community orchards

The Department for Communities and Neighbourhoods has the following advice for Community Orchards:

Whether your ambitions are to conserve a community orchard or to get together with neighbours to start and manage one, this 'how to' guide is designed to help you by making the most of the space in your local area for this purpose.

Community Orchard: How to Guide (external link)

Improving community access to land for growing

The Community Land Advisory Service aims to help community groups, landowners and other interested people to find information on making more land available for community use, particularly community gardening and growing groups. Their new website (external link) contains useful documents on subjects such as finding land, offering land to community groups, negotiating tips and information on leases and planning.