New applicants are required to pass a local knowledge test. This test is conducted in the Council Offices and consists of watching a disability awareness video, and answering a total of 30 questions from the following categories: Equality, Compulsory Policy and Law, and General (Policy, Routes, Signage and Roads, and Customer Care). The pass mark is 25, but candidates must not get more than one wrong answer in the Equality and Compulsory Policy and Law categories, and no more than three wrong in the general section. Tests can be booked via the Customer Services team, and re-sits can be taken every seven days. Your understanding of oral English will be assessed throughout the application period, as an understanding of oral English is now a requirement of the new Statutory Guidance. The initial test is included in the driver application fee, additional tests cost £32. Applicants are required to bring their DVSA driving licence and National Insurance number for identification purposes. You will also need to bring a pair of headphones with a standard 3.5mm jack with you in order to take the test.