Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments are short term or one off payments that are given to anyone experiencing exceptional financial hardship.
You must be receiving Housing Benefit, the housing element of Universal Credit or Council Tax Support to be considered.
A discretionary payment may be given to help you with: 
  • Your eligible rent if you are not receiving the full amount available (for example, if your income is too high or you have non dependants).
  • Your short term finances if you are moving to a more affordable accommodation.
  • The cost of your Council Tax if you are facing genuine difficulties.
It will not be given to help you cover:
  • Living costs such as water, fuel or food.
  • Cover any charges that result from a summons or other recovery action.
  • Cover the amount of Housing Benefit being recovered from an  overpayment.
  • Cover the amount of Housing benefit not paid due to sanction.
The Discretionary Housing Payment Fund is cash limited, we cannot guarantee an award. All applications are assessed on a case by case basis.