Play and open space

The 2012-13 Play Audit was carried out by East Cambridgeshire District Council in order to help guide parish councils in planning and funding new facilities or upgrading new facilities.

Below are the audit findings for each parish. This includes details of current provision and any issues highlighted by the Parish Council when completing the consultation. The findings are based on information provided by the parish council during 2012-13 and have been compared to the local planning standards which show what play provision should be.

These findings may be useful for any parish council or community group considering any improvements or enhancing play provision in their parish. The findings identify provision for specific age groups and the accompanying maps illustrate radial travel distances which may be helpful.

The District Council no longer has any dedicated funding for play or a dedicated play officer, but can provide further guidance on the audit and its findings. If parishes wish to consider using Section 106 funding for play provision please contact the District Council on 01353 665555.  There may be opportunities for funding from other external sources and Cambridgeshire Acre (Tel: 01353 860850) may be able to provide advice on this.  In the longer term, parishes which experience growth may receive a proportion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from new developments and the Council's Community Infrastructure Levy Officer can provide more information about this CIL process.

For further details on the audit please contact the District Council's Communities and Partnerships Department on 01353 665555 or email

Summary of current play (from information provided by parish councils), see related publications below.