Planning fees and how to pay

A fee is payable with most types of planning applications. In order for an application to be validated, the fee must be paid on the same day that the application is submitted.

How much will it cost?

The price of an application varies depending on the type of development. To calculate the price of an application you can use the Planning Portal Fee Calculator

New planning fees from 6 December 2023

Legislation amendments to increase planning fees have been made and the amended charging schedule came into force on 6 December 2023.  This means that any application dated as valid on or after this date will have the new fees applied.  The Planning Portal have produced a fee schedule  (PDF).

Please note that if you choose not to use the Planning Portal to submit your application, an additional fee of £70 will be payable.  This will only be applied where the planning fee is greater than this charge

Any applications which are made invalid and where the additional information requested is not submitted within the time frame given (usually 21 days), will be returned by post and the following administration fees will be deducted from the planning fee refund: 

  • householder: £28
  • minor & other applications: £57
  • major applications: £170

How do I pay?

  • online: if you choose to submit your application through the Planning Portal you can pay the fee at the same time.  If you do not submit through the Planning Portal then you can use the Pay Online  
  • by phone: by calling 01353 665555 and paying by debit or credit card. You will need to provide: Your name/contact details/name of of your agent (if relevant)/location of the development/description of the development/the fee payable 
  • by post: you can send a cheque with your application payable to East Cambridgeshire District Council