If you are thinking about displaying signage at your property, you may need to apply for Advertisement Consent.
Consent is required to display most adverts, except some limited categories. Nearly all illuminated advertisements require permission from the Local Planning Authority.
All outdoor advertisements must comply with the following five conditions:
- They must be kept clean and tidy
- They must be kept in a safe conditions
- They must have the permission of the owner of the site on which they are displayed (this includes the Highway Authority)
- They must not obscure, or hinder the interpretation or, official road, rail, waterway or aircraft signs, or otherwise make hazardous the use of these types of transport
- They must be removed carefully where so required by the Local Planning Authority
It is recommended that you contact the Duty Planning Officer via our Enquiry Form (external link) or seek Pre-application Advice before submitting an application for Advertisement Consent. More information is also available in the government document Outdoor Advertisements and Signs: A Guide for Applicants (PDF)
You can apply for advertisement consent through the various methods detailed in the Apply for Permission section of this website.