This template is provided as guidance to help you write an event management plan (EMP). It is not an exhaustive list of everything you will need to consider.
This is not a box-ticking exercise to "keep them happy", it is an essential document for the safe running of your event. The landowner should request a copy of this document.
It is the responsibility of the event organisers to ensure all safety aspects for their event are covered and all the relevant documentation is in place, even if they are not mentioned here.
This template is to be completed in conjunction with relevant legislation and guidance (The Purple Guide and HSE, for example). Other suggestions can be found on the Cambridgeshire SAG Publications List.
How to complete your Event Management Plan:
- Red text that is relevant to the event needs to be changed to black
- Red text that is not relevant should not be deleted, but changed to black and have
"strikethrough"applied to indicate that is has been considered - Content of the black text is there to help and can be amended
- Add new sections as required for your event
- Amend the contents page in accordance with your final plan
- Add page numbers to the contents page
- This is a working document that you will need to add to as your event evolves. Always remember to update the version number and date to ensure you are always working with the most up to date version.
- Once your document is complete, delete any remaining green text.