New property address does not have a postcode
If you move into a newly built property and find that the property does not have a postcode, it is likely that the postcode has not been activated. To activate the postcode either call the Royal Mail Address Management Centre on 08456 011110, choosing Option 3 and then Option 1, OR, email:
Property number and/or name display advice
Property numbers and/or names must be displayed on the property. Ideally the number and/or name should be at least 100mm in height and on a contrasting background and should be clearly visible from the highway. This may require the number and/or name being displayed at the property boundary and not necessarily just on the front door of the property. Also consider how visible the property number and/or name is at night.
What to do if you're getting mail addressed to someone else
If you receive mail showing your address but in someone else's name, it is likely they previously lived at your address.
If you know the address that the person has moved to, you can forward the mail to them.
To do this, you should:
- cross out the address on the front of the envelope with a pen
- write on the front of the enveloper; "NO LONGER AT THIS ADDRESS, PLEASE FORWARD" and then write their new address
- place the letter back in the post box free of charge.
Royal Mail will charge extra postage and may charge a handling fee for forwarding an item if it has been opened before being re-posted, if the name of the original addressee has been covered or obscured, or if it has been forwarded by a business. Mail originally sent using 'Special Delivery' or 'Recorded Signed For' services will either be delivered or returned to the sender and extra postage and/or a handling fee will be charged.
If you do not recognise the name or don't know the previous occupier's address, you should:
- cross out the address on the front of the envelope with a pen
- write on the front of the envelope: "NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS, RETURN TO SENDER"
- place letter back into a post box free of charge
If there is no return address visible, Royal Mail has a returned letter centre in Belfast where they are allowed to open the mail in an attempt to identify the sender so they can return it. The returned letter centre can add these details to their database and the unwanted mail should stop. If they cannot identify who the mail should be sent to, the item will be destroyed.
Street name plate specification
Street name plates within Ely are displayed as black text on a white background. Street name plates in all other areas of the District are displayed as white text on a green background. No through roads and cul-de-sacs will be identified with the 'no through road' symbol. We do not add apostrophes.