Universal Credit
Whether you can claim Universal Credit depends on where you live and your circumstances.
You can only make a new Universal Credit claim if you are of working age and live in a full service area. You can check if your postcode is in a Universal Credit area (external link) and make an application on the Universal Credit website. If you are currently receiving Housing Benefit you do not need to do anything. If your entitlement to Housing Benefit ends and you have to make a new claim you will need to claim Universal Credit, this includes if you move outside the district and your new address falls under a Universal Credit area.
Housing Benefit
You should claim Housing Benefit if:
- You are single or both members of a couple are of pension credit age
- You have three or more children and have not claimed Universal Credit in the last six months
- You are living in in supported accommodation The rules regarding this are complex so if you think you may be living in supported accommodation, please ask your landlord or email ContactUs@eastcambs.gov.uk to confirm
- You are living in temporary accommodation, you will need to claim Housing Benefit for help with your housing costs and Universal Credit for help with daily living costs
Further information on this and information on claiming Housing Benefit or Universal credit is available online (external link)