Public Question Time Scheme

Most, but not all, Council and Committee meetings are included in the Public Question Time scheme.

Public Questions/Statements are welcomed on any topic related to the Council's or Committee’s functions as long as there is no suspicion that they are improper (e.g. offensive, slanderous or might lead to disclosures of Exempt or Confidential information). Up to 15 minutes is allocated for this at the start of the meeting. 

Democracy & Elections: 

Public Speaking - Licensing Committee

The public are allowed to speak at Licensing Committee, but normally only with regard to a specific licence application/review.  If you wish to speak it is your responsibility to check whether the relevant item is on the agenda. You can do this by calling our Democratic Services Section on 01353 665555.

Please note: A lot of licence applications/reviews are handled by the Licensing Sub-Committee, which has a different public speaking scheme.

Democracy & Elections: 

Council Meetings

VENUE: Details of the venue and public attendance arrangements for each meeting are shown on the webpage and in the Notes box at the end of each Agenda.

All meetings of the District Council are open to the public unless there is any confidential or 'exempt' information to be considered.

Democracy & Elections: