Benefits and Prison

Benefit payments and entitlement may change or stop if you, your partner or your child is: 

  • sent to prison or a young offenders’ institution 

  • in custody awaiting trial (on remand) 

You must tell the Tax Credit Office (external link) about prison sentences.  

You cannot claim State Pension while you’re in prison.  

If you’re in prison or on remand 

You can get help from a benefits adviser to suspend or close down benefits you’re no longer able to claim (external link) if you go to prison or on remand.  

If your partner or child is in prison or on remand 

If your partner or child has gone to prison or is on remand, you must tell whoever pays your benefits and find out:  

  • if your benefit claims will be affected 

  • if you can claim other benefits 

You may still be entitled to benefits if your partner has gone to prison, as long as you satisfy the benefit entitlement conditions in your own right. 

Also see: