The Eastern Gateway area of Soham is an area of agricultural and allotment land which lies between the town and the A142 bypass. The area is identified in the Soham Vision Masterplan and Local Plan 2015 as an area of mixed use development. It is hoped that the development of the area will provide a new east/west link, which will help support the vitality of the town centre.
In 2010 the District Council managed to secure funding from the HCA’s Rural masterplanning fund to produce a detailed masterplan for the area. This document set out what type, format and layout of development would be most suitable. LDA Design consultants were appointed to undertake the work, overseen by a steering group consisting of landowners, the HCA and the District Council. Public consultation on the options was also undertaken.
The final masterplan was approved by the Council’s Strategic Development Committee on 5th April 2011 and can be viewed via the link below.
An employment land study has been completed by Carter Jonas to assess the likelihood of the employment allocation to the east of the bypass coming forward. A copy of this report can be found below.
In June 2017 an outline planning application consisting of: residential development comprising 553 dwellings (subject to detailed design); detailed design for the provision of a new roundabout onto the A142 and internal access road into the site; re-provision of allotments; land for a new medical centre; land for primary school playing fields, land for employment (B1) and retail (A1 - A5) uses; hard and soft landscaping works; ancillary and associated facilities and site infrastructures was submitted to East Cambridgeshire District Council.