Food Hygiene

Food hygiene rating scheme

Eating out? Getting food in? Check

The food hygiene rating given to a business reflects the food hygiene standards found at the time of the inspection by local authority food officers. Most businesses that sell or offer food are included in the scheme, but some are not, such as manufacturers and processors, as well as low risk premises which only sell pre-wrapped confectionery.


Community, Health & Social Care: 

Food poisoning

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. It is not usually serious and most people get better within a few days without treatment. We are often contacted by people who suspect they have food poisoning that they link to a restaurant or takeaway where they last ate. In truth, food poisoning normally takes at least 12 hours from the consumption of food for diarrhoeal symptoms to manifest and, in some circumstances, symptoms can take several days to start. If you are suffering from diarrhoea or sickness and you think you have food poisoning, you should visit your GP.


Community, Health & Social Care: 

Food safety service

Through its Food Law Code of Practice, revised in 2017, the Food Standards Agency (FSA)  requires each regulatory authority to prepare, adopt and regularly review a Food Safety Service Plan. The food safety service has written a service plan that has been produced as required by the FSA framework agreement on local authority food law enforcement. It is written in the format prescribed by the FSA, its purpose being to demonstrate that East Cambridgeshire District Council has in place adequate and effective arrangements to meet its statutory obligations in respect of food safety.


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